YEARS AGO when Mickey Rooney was married to Barbara (who had a lover), he was in New York City and I told him not to return to Los Angeles; but if he did, to not talk to Barbara on a specific date in January. He didn’t listen to me. Barbara visited him in the hospital
that day with a wired microphone. Mickey pleaded for her not to leave him for the lover. She finally said she’d stay with Mickey, however, she went home and played the tape for friends and the lover. Her lover called her into the back room and killed her, then himself! *****
Mickey Rooney was in New York City — he was getting ready to open in “Sugar Babies” on Broadway. He called me to tell me that the following week was the opening night, but that he was going to start previews in a few days. I informed him that astrologically when a show is first
opened and seen by the public — that date is the opening date. I told him that the official date, listed as an opening date, was not good and the show would close. However, the first preview date was a good date to open and it would be a hit. Of course, Mickey immediately agreed that
the opening date was the preview date — not the one he was trying to convince me of — the show was successful and made Mickey a multimillionaire.

In 1980, I was in the midst of writing “Prosperity Signs,” when I sent a form to Ryan O’Neal. It contained the positive and negative traits of the Sign Taurus (his Sun Sigh). He responded, “Yes” to the question: “do you feel the Taurus positive traits have helped you
toward success?” The second question, “d id the Taurus negative traits in any way cause temporary defeats or make you fail at what you were striving for?” “Barry Lyndon, I waited two years
for it to be released — two lost years. I loved Barry Lyndon, but all eggs in one basket.” Under the Positive Traits of Taurus, Ryan O’Neal underlined: industrious, self-reliant, discriminating, stubborn, persistent, reliable, steady, secretive, slow careful decisions because surety
is a must, dislike being hurried, attracted to money and express yourself by its use. Under the Negative Traits of Taurus, he underlined: stubborn, wait too long for plans to mature, too discriminating. At the bottom of the page, he wrote his birth information. Later, he came in
person for a reading followed by sending me two 8x10 glossy photos. |

“For believers or skeptics, Lynne Palmer on astrology is engrossing reading. She gives us real insight into a fascinating method of finding ourselves and our lives.” “Lynne Palmer knows the secret for success. Don't wait another instant, find your
Astrological sign, read what the fascinating person has to say about you -- and look forward."
-- Glorida Vanderbilt, Artist, Designer

The autograph reads:
"To Lynne Palmer, with love and good wishes always. Gloria Vanderbilt."