Ruby Dee, Lynne Palmer, Kathleen Karter

“When I haven’t been sure which way to turn consulting Lynne Palmer… has helped lead me to more confident choices.” “I’m overwhelmed by the number of references. I’m awed by the tremendous amount of work, and especially by the knowledge, that makes this book (Astrological Almanac)
possible.” — Ruby Dee, Actress
Dear Lynne Palmer:
I can't begin to tell you how meaningful and precious your Almanac has become. It's like having more than a friend to consult on the pros and cons of personal decisions. There is so much, so much.
I'm enjoying just reading the various chapters as well as checking dates for things that have already passed to see how well intuition has led me to dates that correspond with yours. I have also penciled in advance dates for other activities that must be attended to this year. Such
planning gives me a feeling of greater control and frees my mind to concentrate more on how to make the good aspects pay off. Oh, I don't say there won't be changes; but the feeling of living day to day in a haphazard way can't be ideal. It's really good to have a source of
comparison and advice at your fingertips… especially if you're the kind of person that has a hard time making decisions.
I'm overwhelmed by the number of references and cross references. I'm awed by the tremendous amount of work, and especially by the knowledge, that makes this book possible.
…and Countess Valerie Manolesco; Elizabeth and Riff Markowitz; Zoltan Mason; Shirley MacLaine; Herb Medrow; Pauline Messina; Henry Miller; Sonny and Joyce Miller; in memory of my daughter, gael Saunders Morosini; Hugette Moulard; Eugene Muir;
Lillian Mully; Ralph Nader; Ann Newkirk; Mary Ellen and Bill Oberlin; Phil and Bette Oiler; Sydney Omarr; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Osting; Hans Orton; Lynne Palmer; Colonel …
“Lynne Palmer’s book (Do-It-Your- self Publicity Directory) can be invaluable to any author promoting a book, and thus increasing sales.”
— Jeraldine Saunders
Creator of The Love Boat TV series, author of Hypogly-cemia: The Disease Your Doctor Won’t Treat, Signs of Love, Frisco Lady, etc. |